Creating a Schedule Starting Rule

schedule schedule schedule schedule starting starting rule rule rule schedule rule

A schedule starting rule specifies when a workflow will run. You can also assign schedule starting rules to business processes.

Note: A workflow must be published before you can assign it a starting rule, and a workflow must have an enabled starting rule or be invoked by another workflow to be operational.

ClosedSee a video about creating a schedule starting rule.

To create a schedule starting rule

  1. In the Rule Manager Pane, select a Closedpublished workflow and click Add Starting Rule to open the Publishing Wizard.

  2. Note: Alternatively, you can open the Rules Wizard from the Publishing Wizard. If you publish using the Publishing Wizard, you will be prompted to create a starting rule. Select the Create a starting rule after publishing checkbox, and click Next to use the Rule Wizard.

  3. In the Closedopening screen, name your rule and optionally add a description.

  4. Select Schedule next to Rule type.
  5. Select the Enabled checkbox next to Rule status if you want your starting rule to be applied immediately. If you choose to clear the Enabled checkbox, you can enable the starting rule manually at a later point.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the ClosedSchedule Properties screen, configure when the workflow will run
  8. Click Publish.